Telemedicine’s Role During Emergencies

As Covid-19 cases rise across the country, we are continuing to see the important role that telehealth can play in our healthcare system, particularly during emergencies. While the public health emergency caused by the pandemic is unique in that it does not result in the destruction of infrastructure, the benefits of telehealth could still be … Read more

Three Tips for Improving Medicaid Engagement and Participation

The first step Medicaid managed care organizations need to take to deliver care to their members seems simple. They need to connect with members and engage them to be active in their health.  Often that is more challenging than it sounds. It is a common refrain: Medicaid members are difficult to engage with. But many … Read more

Child Visits During COVID-19 May Be More Important Now Than Ever

Well-child visits are essential for delivering preventive care for children. As a matter of fact, they are so important that the American Academy of Pediatrics has recommended that pediatricians continue to see children for well-child visits during the pandemic, so they get important vaccinations and screenings for developmental and learning milestones. They also provide an … Read more

Coping with Chronic Disease

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention defines chronic diseases as conditions that last one year or more and require ongoing medical attention or limit activities of daily living, or both. These diseases affect approximately 6 out of every 10 Americans and include commonly heard-of conditions, like: Heart Disease Cancer Lung Disease Stroke Alzheimer’s Disease … Read more

Telehealth Utilization Continues to Show Positive Results During COVID-19

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently announced that it added eleven new telehealth services to its reimbursement list effective immediately and through the remainder of the coronavirus public health emergency (PHE). Additionally, CMS is providing support to Medicaid and CHIP agencies to expand access to telehealth. There are now 144 services covered … Read more